Events Calendar

Ambassador Meeting 2024

Date: November 7, 2024 Time: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
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Event Description
Why be an Ambassador? 
What are some of the perks and benefits?
  • Opportunity to network with business owners and managers.
  • Acknowledgment at chamber events such as luncheons and breakfasts.
  • Networking with other businesses at the Ambassadors Rally.
  • Host a table at the luncheons.
  • More members of the chamber will get to know you and your business.  There will be a larger referral base working for you.


Event Location Citrus Heights Chamber Conference Room
7625 Sunrise Blvd.,
Citrus Heights, CA
Date/Time Information
Thursday, November 7
8:00 to 9:00 am
Contact Information
Renee Larscheid 916-722-4545
Set a Reminder
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before the event.

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